Thursday, September 22, 2011

Word connotations- "Sick"

What does a word mean? Well, what it means to me doesn’t always equate to what it means to you in all circumstances. Words can have multiple connotations at a time, meaning something positive in one culture, and maybe just a little distance away is a complete insult. You have to be extremely careful of how you use some words when you travel, especially, because a word or gesture that is familiar to you may be an act of violence, for example, in another country. In America, even some words can switch meanings from conversation to conversation. For example, the word ‘sick.’  Sick can have multiple meanings from time to time. It all depends on the context it is used in.
Here are some of the ways that the word sick can be used in different ways:

1.       Sick can mean what it is usually used as and intended for, a person in bad health. It can even mean different things from there, for example, physically sick of mentally sick? If you are physically sick, who’s to tell whether or not it is just a cold or even a terminal illness? It is a broad descriptive word. If one is mentally sick, is it just what some would call ‘sick minded,’ or mental retardation? To describe someone with poor health as sick, you must use more specific and descriptive words. Someone may even be offended if used in a specific circumstance.
2.       Sick can be a hip word, equating to words such as awesome, cool, or even admiration. Somebody may say something is sick to express that they like something, they think it was really cool, in style, or even that they may want something themselves. It is a positive connotation, and generally taken as a compliment.
3.       Sick can equate to the meaning of disgusting, which isn’t taken as a compliment 99% of the time. Sick would generally be a exclamatory term, of adjective. When something ‘disgustin’ is said or done, the word sick may quite likely follow.
Sick isn’t generally a very formal term, but it can be used in either a very serious or loose way. It has multiple connotations.  If not used correctly, it may confuse or even offend somebody. So be careful, in every thing you say and do, especially in an unfamiliar location, and be sure to use it in the right context. Following that rule will make things much easier when trying to find the right word.

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